Thursday, December 24, 2009
- Hello again!
- im entering 2nd week of jobless status now. All i can say that i enjoying every bit of it actually. ehehe. yelah, da keje kang susah nk cuti plak kn.
- I went back to thailand actually for this week. wootwoot. balik kmpung!~
- Kebetulan je. planning asal nk g kenduri kt alor star je. then, da alang2 masuk thailand.
- Kt sana g hatyai ngn songkhla. xleh g jauh2 tho planning my mom asalnya nk g phuket ngn krabi cuz ari ahad kene g kenduri kt alor star.
- If kt hatyai spt biasa. shoping kt greenway ngn "pheat thhaii". Kitorg juga suka jalan2 cari makan kt sane..
- Mula2 ingt nk g langkawi je tp faktor mahu 'jalan2 cari makan' kt thailand telah mengalahkan langkawi. hua3~
- Lagi satu g "Talat Nam" as Pasar Air for direct translation. Pasar Terapung lg sedap kot nama. ahaha. Pasar tu ala2 yg kt bangkok. Tp for sure la kt bangkok tu lg besar. Sampan2 pn bergerak. Yg ni sampan statik je. Tp menarik jugak. Peniaga2 kt situ dress up cantik2. ahaha. Lagi satu suka tgk cara diorg amk duit.
- If makanan diorg akan letak dlm tempurung kelapa. Air plak dl bekas buluh ngn clay yg dibuat macam2 bentuk. Harga x mahal pn. if bekas clay tu 20 bhat aje. If kt mesia sure dlm rm5.
- Kt songkhla plak, mama g jmpa kawan skola dia. besfren la kira. mmg tiap2 tahun g jmpa. Kawan mama yg bawak g jalan2. Mama mmg rmai besfren kt siam tuh. balik je msti g jmpa. erm, aq tua2 nnt ada lg ke besfren yg still in contact?
Xyah piki tua2 la. Skrg ni pun da nmpk.anyway, hepi sbb kawan2 selain utp da in contact balik. yeppiee!~
- Kitorg g samila beach kt songkhla tuh. Pantai tu ada replica ikan duyung. Kononya2 zaman dulu ikan duyung penah singgah situ. uhhu!~
- Aq jadi takut bila pikir aq akan jadi generasi ke-2 family aq kt mesia. If kawen ngn org mesia makin jauh la ngn sedara mara sana. skrg ni pun raya je jmpa. sgt jeles ngn org yg slalu outing ngn cuzzies!~
Notakaki: Risau gak xdpt keje lg~
Au Revoir!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
- Hello!!~
- Today genap 1 week mengganggur kt rumah.
- Rasanya mission menggemokkn badan hampir berjaya. Tp cuak if gemok, pipi besar+boncit. ahaha. Xmau yg itu. So, kene la rajin2 g jog kt tmn tasik tuh. Jom org2 bangi, jog kt cempaka~
- Rasanya xde la terasa sgt mengganggur ni sbb mlm2 kt kdai. tlong mak.
Org yg x wat pape tu, sure mati kutu.
- Scholar dah xkn dapt lg. adei~ ssh r cmni. Expenses more than income come. aha. Serious, last2 week kt utp tuh plak, mmg menghabis duit je. Slalu sgt kuar. Mmg terasa ah. Duit mcm air jek. Sekejap2 atm. Ni dok rumah kene dok diam2, Kalu x, baik aq save masa kt utp, joli kt rumah. uhu
- Account kt france tu, still x transfer duit lg. Xpaham btol. Da hanta da card credit tuh. Patutnya dah settle. Ni email sume x reply. Pastu hanta surat kt rumah, dlm bahsa french. adei~ Kata bank utk foreigner, everything in english but then hanta surat dtg malaisie in french???
- So, summarize jela for this week:
- Jumpa ngn harith ghizan kt mcD. Beli phone ngn dia lah. Da lama da plan. Ni dia bawak from aussie lah.
- Rupanya xde la beza sgt ngn malaysian price. Tp da ckp nk beli from dia kn, so xkn nk cancel tiba2, Dia pn cm excited gile . Xsmp hati plak la kn~
- Lgpun, mmg xpenah tuka phone. Guna sabun tu da dekat 5 tahun kot.So, Just put it as a graduation present for myself. ahaha. Anyway, sayang gak ah duit itu. lol.
Kenduri Kahwin Intan
- Intan kawan masa kt mrsm dulu. Tp seriously xknal masa mula2 org ajak g ngn tag2 kt facebook.
- Smlm baru cam balik sape intan . ehe.
- Jumpa ramai jugak org smlm. Jmpa ex-mrsm, ex-maahad hamidiah, utp pun jmpa gak. kawan2 skola rendah je x jumpa. ahahaha~
- Actually, aq xnk g smlm. Sbb still sunburn from bukit merah. adei. Da la lama x jumpa, bila jumpa plak, not at my best "apperance". adei.
- Lepas kenduri tu, ramai2 g seremban dua. Nk main boling xbole sbb ada tournament, karaoke green box tu plak mahal, movie plak x sume setuju. Las2 makan pizza je.
- Anyway, I had fun especially dlm kereta vios epong. ahaha. masing2 da lain skrg.
- Baca the previous post la ok.
- Itu je kot. Bnyk kenduri kawen la lately. biasa la december kn. 20th ni kt alor star plak. Mama plan nk trus masuk thailand plak after kenduri. Tgk la cmne. x tau lg.
Note kaki: Nak kahwin bila da kaya raya je.muahahhahaha. Family 1st ok.
Au Revoir!
Friday, December 11, 2009
- Yesterday, (thursday), I went to S*B 4th stage intvw. This is for well services segment.I didnt prepare much for the technical part due to lack information regarding the well services segment on the web site.
- So, malam before that, i gmaps about da place. Jalan Perak. Tgk maps cm senang je. Kt junction klcc tu amk kiri then kiri lg. smp la jalan perak. Tapi rupanya jalan tu one way je. adei. Dah la smp klcc tu dlm lunch hour. merasa la jam di situ. kaki pun lenguh dok tuka2 gear. sgt x mau drive manual if keje kt kl.
- Bila da terlajak selekoh tu, mula la sesat2. Actaully xde la sesat mana pun. Just follow the traffic. Bole plak smp ke pudu, sg wang. adei! Lg satu, area pudu tu ada jalan tun perak. mengapakah perlu ada nama yg lebih kurg disitu. lg la confuse ok.
- Our signboard also x bagus la. Patutnya kt junction2 kene la ada signboard. Mana la org nk tau kn.
- So plg senang skali masuk ikut jln raja chulan. then jalan pramlee. lepas tu jmpa la jalan perak.
- Smp kt S*B, sufinah da ada kt situ. I lepak2 kt mamk bawah tu dulu. Yela, intvw kol 4. kol 2 da smp. gile awal kn.
- Overall, not my best interview la. My interviewer ws chinese malaysian. sorg je. I da rasa x sedap hati bila izzi bgtau chinese malaysian. Erm, I was expecting for caucasian. Diorg more open la. X academic thingy sgt.
- Ni asik2 tnya cgpa, gpa. Kenapa rendah and all.
- Pastu boleh plak pertikaikan kenapa org hanta aq intern kt France. erk? adei~ yela, i ws just the right person at the right time masa tu. Rezki kot. Lucky jugak. But, my intvw back then was pretty good.
- Then, the interviewer noticed dat I bnyk involved with keusahawanan thingy. from maktab lg. dia suruh me bg 3 points to become a good businessman. erk?
- Overall, I x confident la. hopefully segment lain will call me and if it is a caucasian, its a plus. ahahahah~
- Tawakkal banyak2 la now. I really need a job.
Notakaki: Esok g melaka.wah ada kawan dah kawin. mini reunion maktab esok. :)
Au Revoir!
Labels: joB huntinG
Saturday, November 28, 2009
- Hi all.
- Dah lama g interview ni tp nk masukkn kt blog juga. ehe.
- Ada 3 stages suma skali kt UTP. Final stage which is the 4rd stage kt KL with line manager kot x silap.
- This is my 1st experience with s*b since masa intern dulu x mtk pun.
1st Stage
2nd Stage
3rd Stage
Au Revoir!
- Communication test. Sepatutnya you are given 3 mins but hari tu team from s*b arrived late plus they want to proceed with 2nd stage on that very afternoon. Supposedly, 2nd stage was scheduled the next day. So, its only 1.5 mins communication test.
- The team have a list of topics on their hand. They will pick a topic for you instead of you pick the topic like what they usually do.
- What is my topic? Religion. Thanx God I can still goreng on this topic. I was afraid if given any disease-related topic.
- Some other topic that I can still remember: Paris, Cuba, Hepatitis B, hydrocarbon, christiano ronaldo, malaria, technology, cost cutting , ......
- There is no walt disney this time. ehehe~
- In my personal opinion, they wanna see your confidence and ability to transmit information to others. Meaning, they wanna know if you possess the ability to transmit info to other people and that particular people can understand what you trying to say. Effective 2 ways communication.
2nd Stage
- We got text from the job placement week community like 5 mins before the session actually start. So, you can imagine the shock-ness and rush-ness in there.
- The s*b team once again diverted from their tradition this time. Usually it is a platform-group-challenge. But this time it is a 5 star hotel management problems. Imagine you are a manager of a 5 star hotel and there is a list of problems that occured in your hotel. You have to prioritize which probem to tackle first and why so.
- The first 10 mins of the session is individual work. You have to work individually and solve the problem. But remember, theres always an instruction to follow people. You have to submit your answer together with your name, candidates no and group no.
- After we submitted the ans, the s*b team did actually check our paper one-by-one. I can predict already, they will kick-out person that not following their instructions. It turns out that, 2 persons have to leave the process at that time for not writing one of the particulars required. erm.. Its the ability to follow instruction ppl.
- Then, we proceed with grouping works. Ouh before that, each one of us is given a sticker written candidate no, and we have to stick it behind our back. The trick here- they wanna take notes on your group work movement. Whether you stand out, act like a leader, or you just quite.
- Next, we have to present the solution infront of the team and other groups. this time, the sticker move to infront (on ur chest). Do not exceed the time given ppl. Yes, they will not stop you. But, its the ability to follow instructions.
- One group did actually went over 10 mins. One of the panel ask them "Dont any of you have the watch?". Err. Honestly, I thought none of them will make it to the next round but actually some of them were. And that is the most outstanding one.
3rd Stage
- Everybody did stay up that night to know the result and the result came up abit late. I received it at almost 1am.
- This is one-to-one session. They just want to know you personally. The ask bout ur internship, projects, ur goal in carreers.....
- You will note get the same interviewer with the first stage.
- I thought this is the final stage. Too bad. One more with the line manager (department that will hire you would choose which one they will sign the deal with).
- Thats all ppl. Pray for me ya. eheheheh
Au Revoir!
Labels: joB huntinG
Thursday, November 12, 2009
- I believe in second chances now. They do really exist ppl. Like in my previous post, I was very down for not making to 2nd stage interview of Baker Hughes cuz I already submitted and called BH's HR. Its not that I gedik2 down but It cuz i already put efforts for it. some ppl might be very lucky. X apply mana2 pun. UTP apply kn all. then got the job. uhuhuh~
- Then, I received email from BH houston office. They send me set of questionnaires and I need to submit it back to them.
- Alhamdulillah, I passed that stage. They send me email to arrange for my phone interview session. and its EST time zone ppl. So, i try to arrange it as logic as possible (meaning, nk ke intvw 3 am malaysia time?). Finally, theres only 1 slot available. 5pm EST equal to 6.30 am malaysia. ok la kot.
- I was so not ready since that time very busy with FYDP. Plus, I only got 24 hours or less to prepare for the phone intvw. Xpe la. gamble je. I try to contact senior2. Ada jugak yg dpt intvw like me. So, I ask tips from them. They cakap, line was not clear. aaa. ni yg takut ni. line x clear.
- Hari interview, I woke up really early. 5 am. Buat2 la ape yg patut then try to read bout BH. Just to be prepared. Tepat 6.30 am malaysia time, i got a incoming call with weird combination of numbers.ofcourse!
- The line was not clear. I asik suruh the guy repeat the quest and his voice is sloww too. erm. not my luck mybe. what to expect. the states-tronoh.x clear la line.I ask him about the next stage. Its one-to-one intvw. So how bout the distance? they will fly me to the states all the way?? ahahaha~ u hope my dear! Its depends on the geographic area. Meaning, I in malaysia, so it would be in malaysia.
- Bnyk jugak solan situation. like: which one u will choose. 1)Heavily travel,lots money 2)nice workplace, heavy workoads 3) bad workplace+technical job+lots money. ha.. pilih2. i pilih no 1 masa intvw tu. uhuh!~ reasons goreng je!
- Lain soalan : what is the most appealing about field engineer? What is the least appeling about field engineer?
- Got one question very technical plak tu. Then line x clear. I heard only bout the 2nd option. So, i chose that one la. Explaination goreng jugak.
- Erm..I doubt bout the nex stage cuz I am pretty sure all the malaysia-brunei vacancies aready filled. Ya la, bdk2 UTP jugak. uhuhu. Anyway, it was a good experience and if given a chance, i dont want a phone interview anymore. Its limited my expressiveness...
Notekaki: I will update about schlumberger interview later.
Au Revoir!
Labels: joB huntinG
Saturday, October 31, 2009
- well, i got this kind of spam plenty times. So, I just respond stupidly to see whether 'is it for real' or there are automatic reply system.
- so here we go....
normanvypoby: Hi are u?
kEyrOl: im not cute
normanvypoby: I wanna ask you something but it might sound a little
kEyrOl: yes
normanvypoby: Well, my boyfriend is outta town and I'm here with a good friend of his and we're a bit tipsy..we were kinda wondering if u wanted to watch us get freaky!?!?
kEyrOl: wooo
normanvypoby: haha i know it sounds crazy but we kinda like being watched and I'm a freak like that.. hehe turns us on and you just happened to be online!
kEyrOl: ok
normanvypoby: you're not a kid right?
kEyrOl: no
normanvypoby: Can never really be know??
kEyrOl: ermm
normanvypoby: hmm well we're gonna show you ..k? go there and you should see us, make sure you accept our free cam chat invite on the left hand side, it expires in 10 mins, click it k?
kEyrOl: no way
kEyrOl: im just 10
normanvypoby: if you cum watch us we'll do whatever you want us to do, just don't be shy, tell us what u like..hehe.. fill out your info, make sure you put your correct b-day k?
normanvypoby: We gotta use this site to play on cause i don't want to be recorded!...this site doesn't allow people to record my cam, and if my boyfriend found out i would get in a LOT of trouble..
kEyrOl: really
normanvypoby: credit card is just to verify your age, u get in for free thru my cam session invite since I'm a premium member, but u need to verify babe ..we cant let minors watch me get the shit f*cked outta know? lolz
kEyrOl: i dont have credt card
normanvypoby: let me know if you need any help..I'm gunna start getting Joey all hot so he's ready to take commands from you..k?
- lol.
notekaki: bnyk keje oke. plus study week xde. 11th da 1st paper. horror kot.
Au Revoir!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
- I am a foodiology today. I wanna share my cuisine-shock! when I was in France. Well, I didnt try escargo yet!
Labels: In Memory Of France
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