Thursday, June 26, 2008

This morning, i have a session with mr raymond to update bout my France training. Lucky for me that mr raymond have the same thought with me. He keep saying that "u should not apply a personal bank loan cuz this have to be a reward for u not a penalty". If u make a bank loan, then later u have to pay back together with the interest. So, what is the point for sending student there if u have to suffer later?. haha~ So, he presented 3 plans to overcome this prob and keep saying that anything we discussed in this room will stay in this room. The company said that they will not cancel this plan yet.

Actually, I dont want to write this in my blog cuz later ppl will mengata me menunjuk2.haha :(
But, since i posted sumthing bout my internship in France, so i guess i need to update bout dat. Actually, i should be in France now. My flight supposed to be on last monday and ppl in RSI should have wait for me. Problem now is about the contract. They not properly mention about sponsorship thing.haiyah~ tetiba mr raymond kata malu ngn aq cuz this prob happen. what to do rite?

I already collected my visa from the embassy. RM 495 and I used my own money for that.Embassy France is another story.~ s.e.n.g.a.l.~
haha :P

-Mr Raymond-

Pe kata sorang derma RM1? haha! bajet blogger malaysia kini r leh collect smp rm35k. membe2 pn ramai x tau blog ni. haha~ The main reason is aq ni malu nk publish blog ni.

Anyway, im happy if i just stay here. But of course , i still want to go to France if possible. Please pray the best for me. :)


Achan Sinclair said...

Ngeh2..wat a sad story~
its the sepi, everybody just take for granted..
sabaq2..ada rezeki ade la tuh~

Hafizah binti Faisal (FizFai) said...

Assalamualaikum....Salut !!Bonsoir!!!...Je m'appelle Fizfai... Tu comprends? haha... isk2 keyrol ni pemalu orgnya (dakwa beliau)...(aku akui dlm keterpaksaan)...nnt bila dia dh fly...bolehla aku mulakan azam aku...setakat ni azam aku asyik fail ja...adaker dia belanja aku makan McD...pas tu dia belanja pulak Starbuck...tu tak termasuk dia belanja aku secret recipe lg ( semoga lepas ni betul2 la dia belanja aku)...anyway...bila dia fly nnt...terpaksa la aku makan sorang2...haha...keyrol ni amatla rajin...pesaing aku kat aramis ni(last2 dia menang gak)...anak emas Mr. Raymond ni...selalu dtg awal ofis...dtg2 terus mengadap komputer (ntahla apa yg dia buat...rajin betul)..mmg best gak la gossip ngan dia...haha...apa2 pun kesimpulannya keyrol ni mmg best...
P/S: aku belanja ko betul2 kalu ko tau nama sms...serius...

Anonymous said...

salamzz Keyrol!
firstly kepada Fizah,ko jgn tertipu ngan ala2 kerajinan si Keyrol neyh..die tuh chat or update blog je dpn pc, memoga la mr raymond tuh dapat tau nnt..

back to Keyrol...ala...susah2 ko duk msia jer la...tade la raye ko sedeyh x pat blk kalo ko dapat g, aku tumpang da way slamat intern ..haa, kalo da masuk gaji ..roger tau... ko kan lagi kaya dr aku...ngahahaha

Keyrol Anwar said...

greyorked: ko demam film sepi ek?
jiwang seyh..haha :(

fizah: aq tertekan 1 ofis ngn
fizah haha~ org x bg
keje.dia yg cri keje.mantap
kn? hehe :P xyah la, ko lg
sgt super rajin kot!!!

cik anes: suka kutuk aq kn? 2 la,
aq mengharap sgt dah.juz
hossam je yg sgt yakin
yg kitorg akan g gak nnt.

Annas Aziz said...

cambest jer gi kejer kat france. tuah dan rezeki ko lah plak...

LuKe HaKiM said...

i miss you!!
name je jiran,hagham nak jumpe!!!
bile nak hangout ni pakcik~~
nak tgk muviiii!!!