Tuesday, July 15, 2008
1. ahcan-anies-keyrol bday+ farewell lydia
+dats lydia, the one with tudung biru. From UM+
+ijan n john+
+acan pasan kachak..haha+
+arif camwhoring..ngaha~+
+with frost sullivan-ian+
+ain & zharith+
-dis week huru-hara. roadblock really sengal. 2 times in a week and thats make me crazy. traffic really bad though kuar rumah pagi buta.still gelap.
-Btw, for logbook i got 3 only for 2 weeks in a row . Hope this week would be a very happy week for mr christian and he would give us 5 for our logbook.yeay!
-fizah mc for 2 days (mon+tue). sakit nk dpt ViVa baru ke kak? ngaha~
-btw, for france update, still got no news since mr raymond is in paris right now. But,I got berita la from chem. harap2 jadi la chem yer? uhu~ :P
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I received this via my ARAMIS mailbox. So, I just want to share here. Very interesting~
cuba baca nie....menakutkan pulak bila direnung
renungkan..... Qur'an dah sebut...nanti akan berlaku dunia nie huru hara...cuaca
panas melampau...sebab tue qur'an suruh kite simpan makanan
sebarapa banyak yang boleh....kalo x silap tuk sepuluh tahun....mase zaman
nabi Yusof dulu tuk 7 tahun jer...yang nie lagi lamer... Orang
berperang pon pakai pedang..so, ader possibility coz minyak dah abis...so,
semua jentera perang x dapat bergerak...so, that why, yahudi sekarang
tengah buat pedag banyak2...ketika aku bace dalam satu web
site...kenapa yahudi banyak buat pedang titanium yang banyak...mungkin die dah
study issue nie akan terjadi...sekarang pon dah Nampak tande2
die....cuauca semakin panas...mnyak semakin berkurang.... Wallahualam....
Subject: Jangan simpan duit..?
"Aku tak baca detail sangat... tapi sejak jadi unit trust consultant
ni... aku tahu satu teori yg disebut RULE 72.
Org ekonomi tahu benda ni.
Kalau nak tahu half value the money... guna rule ni
bahagikan dengan inflasi rate. Skrg ni inflasi 4% >, 72/4 = 18. Meaning
to say... dlm masa 18 tahun lagi value duit RM100 skrg akan jadi RM 50 18
tahun akan dtg. Oleh itu, saving kita hendaklah cari yg dapat bagi
return per year lebih besar drpd interest rate. Kalau saving dlm tbg haji
4.75% dgn interest rate 4%, dalam masa 18 tahun akan dtg, secara
teori kita akan hanya ada keuntungan 0.75% shj. OLEH itu juga simpan
didalam instrumen yg bolh bagi return yg besar dan selamat." "pasal
financial planning tu, kau kata duit boleh simpan sampai 2nd & 3rd generation.
Aku ragu2 sikit sbb apa yg aku tahu, pakar2 ekonomi dunia meramalkan akan
berlaku krisis ekonomi yg teruk yg boleh hancurkan ekonomi kapitalis.
(mereka bukan Tuhan tapi sekurang-kurangnya mereka ada fakta yg kukuh
untuk sokong pendapat mereka. Pakar ekonomi Islam yg merujuk kepada
Al-Quran dan hadis juga mengesahkan perkara ini pasti akan terjadi) Bila
ekonomi kapitalis collapse, kita tak boleh ambik duit dlm bank.
Aku dengar ceramah Mr Matthias Chiang, bekas penasihat politik Tun Dr
M. Dia kata ni pasti jadi dlm masa terdekat, 5 thn, tapi perkara ni tak
mungkin dicakap dalam perhimpunan agung umno. Dia ni Christian
Katolik yg anti-Zionis. Dia kemukakan bukti berupa kenyataan2 oleh
penasihat2 Bush, professor di Havard dan Oxford, org2 kuat IMF, Bank Dunia
dan segala sifu zionis. Mrk kata system ekonomi kapitalis akan
collapse, keadaan dunia akan jadi lebih teruk daripada krisis ekonomi dunia
1930's. Mamat ni masih close dgn Tun Dr M dan tulis buku tajuk
"FUTURE FASTFOWARD". Aku juga jumpa Umar Vadillo yg terkenal di peringkat dunia
kerana mengkaji system kapitalis. Aku pernah wawancara dia di
Hotel Prince, KL masa dia dtg nak jumpa Tun Dr M. Dia kata system kapitalis
memang dah nak hancur tak lama lagi. Jadi org sekarang beli duit emas
yg dikeluarkan oleh syktnya beribupejabat di Dubai dan ada
cawangan di Labuan. Dia kata kat aku, org Malaysia yang paling byk
simpan duit emas dalam akaun syarikat dia ialah Dr M dan Pak Lah. Maknanya
Dr M dan Pak Lah memang well prepared untuk hadapi kehancuran system
Seorang professor ekonomi di UIA, Prof Kamil ada tulis buku
pasal masalah duit kertas dan duit dalam bentuk angka ni (duit
elektronik). Dia kata duit dalam bentuk angka tu sebenarnya tak wujud
pun dlm bank. Duit kertas yg kita simpan bawah bantal atau tabung di
rumah pulak akan menyusut dan menyusut dengan teruk sekali nanti. RM1,000
hari ni tak boleh beli apa pun di masa depan. Terkejut aku baca
penerangan dia pasal "money creation" oleh bank. Masalahnya, cerita
pasal ni tak keluar pun dalam akhbar arus perdana Malaysia (i.e. berita harian,
utusan, star, nst. Akhbar kita hanya memetik sebijik2 laporan CNN, BBC,
CNBC, Reauters yang sebenarnya tak betul tu). Sekarang, ekonomi sudah
teruk. Nak tahu teruk atau tidak, jangan tengok CNN, CNBC, Reauters dan
sebagainya. Media macam ni tak akan cakap perkara yg benar. Tapi
bacalah akhbar2 eksklusif utk geng2 Zionis spt Herald, Weekly Commentator,
Jerusalem Post, etc. Akhbar ni boleh di access via internet. Media
mcm ni dibaca oleh sifu-sifu zionis. Aku kemudian buat research sikit2
pasal money meltdown melalui internet. Lepas tu, aku buat research
pasal kekayaan dalam Islam. Aku dapat tahu kekayaan sebenar ialah :-
1. tanah (lebih baik tanah tepi sungai atau yg ada air mengalir berdekatannya)
2. emas dan perak
Mengejutkan, sekarang ini emas lah yang sedang dikumpul oleh zionis.
Rezab emas terbesar berada di US dan Europe. Nak ambil emas, mereka
tukarkan kepada negara lain dgn duit kertas. Harus diingat geng2 Zionis
itu lah juga yg memiliki bank. (Sila rujuk buku2 atau rencana internet mengenai sejarah dan asal usul bank)
Sudahnya, kita semua satu dunia, simpan duit kertas yg menurut pakar
ekonomi tak akan bernilai di kemudian hari. (RUJUK RENCANA2 VIA INTERNET
DI BAWAH TOPIC "THE DEATH OF MONEY) Yg bernilai ialah emas, minyak dan
kemudiannya air bersih. (kerana air akan tercemar dengan teruk di masa
depan. BBC pada tahun 2001 melaporkan bahawa air Sea of Galilee (sebuah tasik
sebenarnya) di Palestin sedang surut dan tidak ada tanda2 akan pasang
semula. Saintis buat kiraan dalam 50 tahun lagi tak ada setitik air pun
di situ. Middle East dan Zionis akan bercakaran kerana air pulak!
Separuh kedua abad ini adalah era "haus kerana tidak ada air" dan "bergelap kerana tiada minyak" menurut kata penganalisis dunia). Tahun lepas, aku attend seminar nuclear di hotel renaissance. Seorang pakar Jepun kata minyak dlm bumi ni hanya bertahan utk 30 tahun
saja. Lepas tu, aku tanya Tan Sri Penasihat Sains Negara, "Tan Sri, apa kita nak
buat sebab kita tak ada polisi tenaga nuklear?" Dia jawab, "no comment.
You kena tanya menteri." Aku call pejabat menteri, menteri lak pergi US. Masa tu aku tengah tulis rencana mengenai polisi tenaga nuclear Malaysia sebagai persediaan hadapi kekurangan minyak. Aku juga pernah wawancara seorang ahli korporat yg juga kawan baik atau mungkin juga kroni kepada Tun Dr M. Datuk ni mengaku dia tak simpan duit kertas dlm
bank, tapi simpan duit emas. Keuntungan yg dia dapat daripada aktiviti
perniagaan pulak dibahagi-bahagikan pada org miskin. 'I don't keep money," macam tu
lah dia kata kat aku. Lepas aku wawancara dia, dia bagi hadiah kat aku tiga buah buku berkaitan duit kertas dan kaitannya dengan RIBA (FAEDAH BANK). Buku tu menerangkan bahawa RIBA (FAEDAH BANK), duit kertas dan duit elektronik akan dengan sendirinya jadi penyebab kepada kehancuran system ekonomi kapitalis nanti. Bukti dah ada depan mata
iaitu krisis ekonomi Asia 1997 angkara George Soros dulu. Datuk tu kata dia tengah
kaji Al- Quran dan dpt tahu apa erti kekayaan yg sebenar. Bila baca surah Yusuf, dia terkejut dan baru tahu kita semua kena simpan MAKANAN, bukannya DUIT KERTAS or DUIT ELEKTRONIK. Mengejutkan juga bila dapat tahu, US sekarang, selain emas dan minyak, sedang MENYIMPAN MAKANAN SEBERAPA BANYAK YG BOLEH! Duit kertas dan duit elektronik pulak dilambakkan ke negara lain di mana tiga per empat daripada
dolar sekarang sedang berligar2 di luar US dan sedang menunggu masa untuk
collapse. (rujuk rencana2 mengenai krisis dolar Amerika). Di sini aku
petik sikit beberapa kenyataan :- MD IMF, Rodrigo de Rato, "We believe such a large imbalance of growing indebtedness by the US is a risk not only for the US economy, but for the world economy. Bob Mc Teer, Presiden Reserve Bank of Dallas "over time there is only one direction for the dollar to go * lower".
Warren buffet, pemain saham terkenal dunia kata : "we view them as TIME BOMBS both for the parties that deal in them and the economic system." Paul Volker, bekas pengerusi Federal Reserve Board, "we have a 75% chance of a crisis within 5 years".
Aku sekadar nak berkongsi pengetahuan dan mencetuskan pemikiran sahaja. Apa pun kau
fikir pasal maklumat aku ni, terpulang lah.
sama2 lah kite pikir kan....org2 tau ekonomi dh mula nk
menjatuh kan
Monday, July 7, 2008
Last friday i got fever. Maybe cuz of the rain on thursday. so, i got mc for friday! yeay ! haha :)
After pg clinic at 830 am, me n my sis very semangat to go to swatch warehousesale. Though i demam, i also very semangat too. hehe~
b4 we go, i printed out the flyer cuz some ppl said we might need an invitation card to enter the sale.
When we arrived at bandar utama, i park my car at one world hotel/ IBM plaza. I been there before to collect HOT fm merchandise at TV3. Ater that, we go to lobby and try to search for the sale.
Omg, there's so many ppl. The place is so small and unorganized. I heard a lot of ppl complaining about the staff. I ended up buying nothing cuz xde yg menarik lorr. I met farah najwa and his bf there.She bought a bling2 one.hehe~
There's not much variation for mens. The price range is from rm80-rm 200++I repost some comment or feedback from the warehousesale;
Labels: warehouse sale
July 4th, 2008 at 3:15 pm
hi ppl….i went to the sales before lunch….it took me 1 /12 hr juz to get a watch…..
i agree with anasatasea that their system bad…..if plan to do a sales like this, they should expect big crowd, therefore they should plan out properly…… the display items were in a mess, only some on the racks…..some watches they put on the table & get 2 staff to take care of it, the rest on the floor behind their counter…..knowing malaysians, definitely we want to see everything before choosing…..so, wat i saw was ppl asking n pointing for this n that….. there’s a malay guy who was kind enough to accomodate to some buyer’s request, but there were too many ppl…..at a point, i even heard another male staff telling him not to show watches from the floor, ask customer juz fill up the form & they will pack up the items……but once pack up, they expect you to buy it, no thinking or changing….
i also agree with merry that the staff there are rude, not friendly at all….. a lady staff was saying loudly that the crowd are not co-operating, but i think this is the result of their bad arrangement ……things got worst at the so-called “cashier counter” where there were only 2 staff who collect money, issue receipt, check watches & chop warranty card…..it took them long time as some ppl want to change watches, reject watches & some watches on their list not packed…..so, there goes time waiting for them to check & check….. another major problem that i observe is that when other staff pack the watched in plastic bags, they juz dump it on the floor, not arranged according to which bag comes first……so, the more they pack the orders & dump on the floor, the later orders will get the watches first, while the ppl who submit orders early had to wait as their packed bags were at the bottom of the lot…..i heard many ppl complaining about that…..
it was a total disaster, not systematic at all….. everyone was pushing, looking for catalogue and form to fill up the code, waiting for the watches…..
there was a total silence at a point of time when a young gal was not happy with a staff i think, as she walked away she shouted ‘u ppl are very rude’…… n guess wat i heard from a male & female staff at the counter, they were refering to that gal, saying something to the effect ‘if she wants to be serve so nicely, go n buy at original prices from the shop, not here’…..but they didn’t say it out loudly, juz at the cashier table n ppl standing in front of them could hear it…..omg, i was shocked to hear that coming from the staff, they should at least straighten out the matter with the young gal, see wat went wrong & wat angered her…..
my personal conclusion is they are not prepared & not organized enough…..i hope in future if they plan to do this kind sales, pls pls be more organized….. it can save everybody’s time & energy, n make shopping a fun activity!!!
July 4th, 2008 at 8:33 pm
I went there, arrived at 10:15am. At first, i was totally blur what to do. very crowded. I thought, there r lot of ppl come and go to this little tiny warehouse sale, but actually it is caused by extremely unorganized system plus hardly 10 staff handling the crowd. the warehouse sale was disappointing because the staff are rude. I was there when the lady shout “you people are very rude”, and i heard the same feedback from the staff as mentioned by fashion addict. Even though the customer is not always right, but we deserve to be treated right. They took 1 hour to pack my watch. Then, it turned out that the watch is not as what i have in mind, and the other pair is out of stock, but i agreed to take the display set. However the lady asked me to find a staff (they refer her as janis) that handling display watch by myself. Waited for 10 minutes then manage to get the display set. After that, i have to go through the waiting process again. they take my watch, put in a miserable orange plastic bag, dump it on the floor. they really get through my nerves. a few times i asked them to pick my watch and pass it to cashier counter, but they refuse to, and keep on calling people that not there anymore. At 12:10 PM, i walked out from that place, without buying anything. I’ve been to many warehouse sale, but this is the worst in my life. I hope swatch can take some action and change my perception of swatch and swatch staff. I love swatch, and my mission going to the warehouse sale is to get my favorite swatch irony 2002 model that has been stolen last year. But what i get is a very bad impression towards Swatch.
July 5th, 2008 at 1:06 am
well…guess its not so bad sales after all…mean i went there twice . first in the morning around 9.00 and later after 1.00…
im da early birds (seriously damm packed that time eventhough came up early) i have to agree about the bad system. it was BAD BAD BAD however cant blame them. they are unorganized + tiny place + crowed people sure create madness. anyways their rule is….if u write it u must buy it.
“evrything or nothing at all”
For example in the order form u write SWATCH A and Swatch B. then after long waiting moment. u finally got ur watches..and see them thus decide to have Swatch B only. the chinese lady who incharge of the selling process wont sell unless u bought everything. Guess dat one of the rude part…another thing is they wont allow u to see the catalogue (colour printed ) as it for the SA. my suggestion since they only “display” few watches..why dont pOSted the catalogue (colour printed) on the wall. should it make our and their life less miserable. i end up buying 3 swatch dat time…
1) swatch with bangle strap(SUBM106B)…retail rm295 —->rm150
2)swatch skin white colour strip with star(SFK242)….retail rm320 —->rm160
3)swatch black colour (LK177)……..retail rm220——->rm110
Later i went there again since my bro want to buy his own watch. so went there aroung 1 o’clock. damm~!! there less crowd. u can see the catalogue calmly and peacefully. i would prefer to come at this time rather than the early part since we can think rationally what to buy and decide without the craziness and crowdness of ppl influence our judgement.but the downside, off course only few models available. (however those rm60,rm70,rm90 swatches alredi sold out during few minutes when open since its have few only like 1-2 piece) huhu..since i able to look the catalogue calmly dats why i able to mesmerize the price. My bro was lucky,the display unit stated rm220 which is 50% off from normal retail price. since we haf the time to browse the catalogue it turns out dat in the catalogue it stated rm180 (70% off). then we pay rm180 loh.